Thursday, June 21, 2012

5 reasons why I sing

  1. I sing because I am happy not because it makes me happy.
  2. I sing because I have been made alive not because it makes me alive.
  3. I sing because I have been set free not because it frees me.
  4. I sing because He lived, died and resurrected so that I might be reconciled to God.
  5. I sing because He has done it all and said "it is finished" not because I am victorious in and of myself.
Thank you Jesus because you lived the life I should've lived, died the death I should've died, this sinner is free to sing the song of the saints.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God the model Parent

A couple of months ago I read a story about a couple suing a doctor for failing to provide them with proper notification of their future baby's possible down syndrome condition. The couple decided that had they known the baby was at risk of down syndrome they would have terminated the pregnancy.
At the root of this is selfishness expressed in a consumeristic attitude. The idea that one can order a baby like its a value meal at McDonald's or a pair of sneakers at a foot locker.
Can you imagine these parents one day explaining to their daughter the reason why she lives?
Dear daughter, had we known you would have down syndrome we would've killed you when we had the chance.
Much in the same way you return a burger that came with pickles when you asked for it without pickles.

The best way to model the love of Christ to a child is to love them unconditionally, as Christ loves His people unconditionally. Yet the love these parents have for their child is based on the child meeting a list of standards.
Imagine Christ saying this to you: I will love you if you never lie, I will love you if you are the smartest in class, I will love you if you are unblemished and perfect.
No one would stand a chance. Everyone would be excluded as we are all fallen and incapable of meriting Gods favor.
Yet Christ in His mercy came into the world and lived the life we should've lived and died the death we should've died so that through His life, His death and resurrection we might be reconciled to God.
God saw that we were blemished and marred by sin and yet loved us so much. He bore the cost of our imperfection Himself.
As Christ said "greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends"
We must ask ourselves, if we are christian parents, are we laying down our lives in daily practical ways for our children to model the love of Christ for our children?
These parents said they would have aborted the baby because of the cost they would have to bear, and the change this would bring to their lives. Yet thats what parenting is, bearing the cost and becoming uncomfortable so that our children can be comfortable. Much in the same way Christ gave up His heavenly throne so that we can receive the comforting love of God. 

Further reading

Phillipians 2: 4-8