Monday, February 6, 2012

Two lies Men believe

It is an understatement to say that there are few men in today’s society. Surely there are many who are “male bodied” adults but they are not quite men.

Perhaps you the reader are so affected by this that you don’t even realize it. The moral decline of men is so rampant and common today that many consider normal what was once considered an embarrassment and shameful.

Men today are absolute wastes of bodies. There was a time when a man was defined by what he produced or created, we now live in a time where men are defined by what they consume. This is a great problem of this culture: The consumerist mentality, the idea that this world and everything in it was created for my consumption.

And so men consume free internet porn, video games, alcohol, drugs, social networking websites, women, clothes, sports etc. Men spend their time consuming these things because their depravity has caused them to believe in two lies straight out the pit of Hell.

1. I don’t have to be faithful to one woman

I am a NYC High School teacher and I have the joy (sarcasm) of witnessing first hand how manhood is perceived by the younger generation. I heard a student singing one of Kanye West’s song’s that said “Prince William’s ain’t do it right if you ask me
Cause I was him I would have married Kate & Ashley” later on he says “You know how many hot bitches I own.” The lie that is generally held onto by many men is that you are truly a man if you can sleep with a lot of woman.

2. I have to extend adolescence as long as possible.

You would never hear it this way but it’s true, many men believe this lie. Many men believe that the key to their happiness is to extend adolescence as long as possible. Therefore, they avoid marriage, they procure to have the latest trend in fashion, they will go on line during the midnight hours to buy a pair of Jordan’s, they will spend countless hours in front of a television playing video games, they will spend money on sports leagues to chase a dream that will never happen, they will share an apartment with 30 of their friends or they will live in mom’s basement and do a whole bunch of stuff under the guise of “this is my time to enjoy life”. However, this is really just an extension of adolescence.

The truth is real men are faithful to one woman and they avoid adolescence. Real men are creators and providers, not childish consumers. Real men do not waste their college years extending adolescence but rather use their time to prepare for marriage and fatherhood. And the only way to break free from the sinful mentality that pervades our culture today is to repent of it. Men must look to the example of Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus was faithful to the church He died to save, Jesus emptied Himself the pleasures of heaven when He came to earth, and there was no hint of the consumerist mentality in the life of Christ. Most importantly Men must recognize that they are sinful and in dire need of a savior. Real men know that they are weak and in need of salvation and look to the one that provides it.

Additional Resources:

Check out this video by Pastor Mark Driscoll where he articulates the above more eloquently