Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thoughts on Tebow

Just finished watching the broncos vs bears game and it's always something to see the opinionated comments on my Facebook newsfeed regarding the broncos. Comments range from excitement all the way to flat out hatred of the broncos famous quarterback, Tim Tebow.

At a party last night someone asked me if I believe the criticism Tebow receives is due to his abilities as a player or because of his Christianity.
I believe the answer is both.

Jake Plummer calls Tebow a winner but said he needs to chill out with the faith.
I always find it mind boggling that some people want to keep matters of religion out of the public arena, but the greatest hypocrisy behind this is that the folks that demand you leave your religion behind are not willing to leave their beliefs aside.

Should Tebow thank Jesus after every touchdown?
Let me put it this way, if you believe that God is the giver of breath you would be thankful every time you get to tie your shoelaces. If God is the one that gives breath then everything else is a gift.
This brings to mind the verse where the apostle says "Be thankful at all times..."

Now of course Im not suggesting that this is something we must verbalize every second, I don't believe the apostle is suggesting that, but we must have an attitude of thankfulness... for all things proceed from God. Wins, losses, touchdowns, lost yards, injuries, draws, all things.
While it is easy for Tebow to be thankful now, the true test will be when he loses, when he is injured. That is when we must show the world that all things proceed from God.